Clash of Clans Hungarian Wiki

Dark Elixir Storage6

"The power of Dark Elixir could not be contained in a regularly shaped Elixir vat. As it's three times as powerful, we had to invent a cubical form of storage!"

Dark Elixir Storage1 Dark Elixir Storage2 Dark Elixir Storage3
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Dark Elixir Storage4 Dark Elixir Storage5 Dark Elixir Storage6
Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

  • Summary
    • This storage allows you to save your hard earned dark elixir. It is used to buy and upgrade the Heroes, purchase the Seeking Air Mine (Bomb), and to train and upgrade the new dark elixir troops.
    • The dark elixir storage is a transparent, rectangular shaped  building. It is stated that this storage had to resemble a cube due to the dark elixir's power.
    • The dark elixir storage building takes up a 3x3 space.
    • Dark Elixir storages remain fully functional while being upgraded.
    • Some people skip getting the drill and just get the storage because it is much faster to raid for dark elixir than it is to collect it on your own.
    • If a player without a Dark Elixir storage raids dark elixir, the dark elixir will not be stored and simply disappear.
    • It is hard to tell if a Dark Elixir storage is full or not. 
    • Dark Elixir is the hardest resource to get, except maybe for Gems.
Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1


Capacity (Dark Elixir) Dark elixir


Cost (Elixir) Elixir

Build Time

Experience Gained XP

Town Hall Level Required

1 10,000 1500 600,000 1 day 293 7
2 20,000 1650 1,200,000 2 days 415 7
3 40,000 2000 1,800,000 3 days 509 8
4 80,000 2200 2,400,000 4 days 587 8
5 150,000 2400 3,000,000 5 days 657 9
6 200,000 2650 3,600,000 6 days 720 9
Védelmi Épületek CannonArcher TowerMortarWizard TowerAir DefenseHidden TeslaWallsTrapsX-Bow
Nyersanyag Épületek Gold MineElixir CollectorDark Elixir DrillGold StorageElixir StorageDark Elixir StorageBuilder's Hut
Katonai Épületek Army CampBarracksDark BarracksLaboratorySpell FactoryBarbarian King AltarArcher Queen Altar
Egyéb Épületek Town HallClan CastleDecorationsObstacles